discovering hope

Weekend Services

Decisions Made For Jesus




Attendance in 2023


First Time Guests



Local Giving

First Time Givers


Tithes And Offerings 2023


Given Away for Church Planting, Missions, and Local Outreach


Local, National, and Global Partners

Refuge for Women

Just In Time For Foster Youth

Feeding San Diego

Urban Street Angels

Hope For San Diego

Urban Youth Collaborative

Generate Hope

Explore East Village

San Diego Rescue Mission


Stadia Church Planting

Kairos Church Planting

Association of Related Churches (ARC)

Children's Cup

David's Harp

experiencing life

Common(s) DNA & Circles

Empowering People

Hope Crews & I Love My City

12  Common(s) DNA grads

210 People served in a Hope Crew

106 People attended a Common Circle

313 People led a Hope Crew

HOPE GIVEN. lives changed.

Church Online

Youtube Viewers

Over 3k

Church Online Viewers 


Social Media Followers


App Users


god's vision for 2024

He is the exact living image [the essential manifestation] of the unseen God [the visible representation of the invisible], the firstborn [the preeminent one, the sovereign, and the originator] of all creation.
Colossians 1 : 15 AMP
How do we journey alongside this generation to explore and reimagine the beauty and wonder of the image of God?

Partnering with the Holy Spirit to paint a new image in peoples hearts and minds must start with a clean canvas, a set of fresh colors and a spirit of curiosity and hunger.

The image of God has been distorted. Let's together repaint the image of God alongside the people of our city in these areas...

Purpose in life.
Connection to humanity.
Vocational existence.

2024 financial Goal




I Love My City

Creative & Wellness Space

New Churches

Children's Cup







New Church Launch


Building Fund


Vision Goal Total


Ways To Give

Give Online

You can give securely online through the form to the right, or you can also text to give! Text any dollar amount to 84321, to set up mobile giving.

Give In Person

If you prefer to give in the form of cash or check please fill out the information on an offering envelope, and drop it off at (cms) Studio Tuesday-Friday between 10am-5pm. We are located at 710 13TH ST San Diego 92101.

Mail A Check

Maybe you're from out of town or just can't make it into one of our services, but are feeling led to give to Common(s). You can send any donations to PO BX 120702 San Diego CA 92112.

Give On The App

The Church App is also an easy and secure way to give. Download our app in any App Store!

A Message From Pastors Carlos & Jay

2023 was a climate shifting year for us.

We’ve seen God move in powerful and amazing ways in our community. The numbers you see are not merely numbers. They are people whose lives have been touched by God and his people. They are hearts that have been given hope and a new picture of the future ahead.

We are incredibly grateful that we get to be a light in our city, giving hope and reconciliation through the story of Jesus. This can be done only in community, we thank you for being our community. We thank you for partnering with us financially, through your prayers, encouragement, and unforgettable friendship. We are excited about what God is doing and look forward to what He's going to do in 2024.

We want to thank you in advance for your sacrificial giving.

Let's repaint the block with the image of God.