July 1st-31st


At Common(s) church we value generosity.  This is a season in which we press into the beauty of what Jesus said, that it is better to give than to receive.

Think of the last great feast you had the pleasure to attend. Chances are, there are faces and names that come to mind whose generosity and sacrifice made the experience one of abundance. We believe the church is to be one of those faces.

Join us as we explore the generous reality into which Jesus invited us. Our hope and prayer is that this next season will inspire us all to a new level of common giving so Common(s) can set out an amazing feast for the people of Downtown San Diego.


God asks that we give our first and our best back to Him.
That is the principle of first fruits.

We return to the Lord 10% of what He's given us because it belongs to Him.
Check out Malachi 3: 10 NIV.

"Test me in this … and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."

If you're not tithing already, a great way to start is through
our season of Common Giving.


It’s impossible to out-give God, but you’ll be glad you tried.

God gives us good things we don’t deserve and could never earn. When you hear us talk about abundant generosity, that’s what we mean. God created us with a generous spirit. Let's together embrace it by giving and being abundantly generous.

Our desire is to live out the heart of generosity found in the church as it began to be a movement of love and kindness to all humanity. The generosity of the church has taken care of others’ needs, helped champion the cause of other organizations carrying out good work, and also given the church the resources to fulfill its own mission in its neighborhood.

The goal is to giveaway the Common Giving offering to a local non-profit who we believe is bringing the goodness of God to our city thorough what they do.


We're thrilled that you're joining us for Common Giving 2024.

But what should I do right now?
Start by praying and spending time with God.
Ask Him specifically how you should be involved in this season of giving.

Continue by deciding and planning.
Decide what your financial sacrifice will be and then plan for it.

Please sign up below and receive an encouraging message from our pastors, ask questions and
stay up to date with all things Common Giving.  


First of all, thank you for trusting God & for living generously.

You can give securely right here on this page or on our main giving page as well.

Click the fund dropdown menu and be sure to select
"Common Giving".

We can't wait to see how God will move through our generosity!